activated sintered fly ash aggregates

Fly Ash

Physical Properties of Fly Ash. The physical properties of fly ash are, 1. Fineness of Fly Ash. As per ASTM, the fineness of the fly ash is to be checked in both dry n wet sieving. The fly ash sample is sieved in 45 micron sieve and the percentage of retained on the 45 micron sieve is calculated. Further fineness is also measured by LeChatelier ...

Article Properties of a Lightweight Fly Ash–Slag Alkali …

alkali‐activated concrete (LAAC) containing sintered fly ash aggregate as the structural materials is very limited. Junaid et al. [23] compared the uniaxial compressive behavior of a low‐calcium fly ash‐based AAC using two kinds of aggregates: normal‐weight natural

Fly Ash Utilization in Lightweight Aggregates for …

2.2 Mix Proportions. For the production of lightweight concrete, the traditional coarse aggregate was partially replaced with LDA (pellets) and fly ash aggregates at 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50%. The 7th and 28th-day compressive strength of the cubes cast with this concrete was found out for different replacement percentage as mentioned above.

Influence of curing methods on properties of mine …

Co-utilization of quarry tailings and fly ash for non-sintered ultra-lightweight aggregates (ULWAs) by autoclave technology. Shunfeng Wang, Long Yu, ... Artificial alkali-activated aggregates developed from wastes and by-products: A state-of-the-art review. Lan Qian, Ling-Yu Xu, Yazan Alrefaei, ...

Materials | Free Full-Text | Artificial Lightweight …

The strength of activated fly ash-based artificial lightweight aggregate by inclusion of geopolymer is comparable to that of commercialized expanded clay lightweight …

Sintered Fly Ash Light Weight Aggregate Production

The product is an excellent alternative to natural quarried aggregate, being strong, light and consistent. Sintered Flyash light weight aggregate substitutes natural stone aggregate/chips in Concrete, reducing dead weight. It can also be used in production of light weight precast Concrete Blocks, for use in load and non-load bearing elements.

Density of Concrete with Sintered Fly Ash Aggregate

Sintered Fly Ash Aggregates is replaced 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% and 50% in the place of Corse aggregate. These theses explain the various utilization of sintered fly ash and its ordinary Portland cement and properties in concretecauses severe pollution problems. Its utilization as a raw material for cube (Brick) making will be a very usefully ...

Relevance and Assessment of Fly Ash-Based Sintered …

The moulding conditions were vibrocompaction, and curing conditions were steam at normal pressure for 6 h for fly ash 1, 2 and 3. The determined results of Tables 2, 3 and 4 show that the more percentage of sintered fly ash aggregate in the absence of hydraulic lime gives the lesser results of drying shrinkage that is 0.22, 0.26 and 0.26%, …

Sintered Fly Ash Light Weight Aggregate Production

The product is an excellent alternative to natural quarried aggregate, being strong, light and consistent. Sintered Flyash light weight aggregate substitutes natural stone …

[PDF] Lightweight aggregates made from fly ash using the …

Aggregates made from fly ash have been developed by means of the cold-bonding process, with the addition of Portland cement as a binder at (10, 20, and 30) % of mass fractions, and by pouring the mixtures into moulds. After curing for 28 d the samples were processed into aggregate by crushing and sieving. An aggregate containing a …

Sintered Fly Ash Aggregate

The initial moisture content of sintered fly ash (mc = 0, 17–18, and 24–25%); the aggregate grading (4/8 and 6/12 mm); and the water-cement ratio (w/c = 0.55 and 0.37). As a result …

Preparation of non-sintered lightweight aggregates …

This work investigates the feasibility of co-mechanochemical treatment of oil-contaminated drill cuttings (OCDC), circulation fluidized bed combustion (CFBC) fly ash, and quicklime to prepare non-sintered lightweight aggregates (NSLWAs). The NSLWAs with high cylinder compressive strength and low water absorption could be …

A Review on the Manufacturing of Lightweight …

The specific gravity of sintered fly ash aggregate is increased from 1.51 to 1.92 when it is exposed higher temperature to 1200oC from 11000C [23]. The density of the sintered fly ash aggregate also is increase at a higher temperature from 10750C to 12000C [6]. The sintered fly ash aggregate specific gravity or density start to decreasing until the

Relevance and Assessment of Fly Ash-Based Sintered …

The moulding conditions were vibrocompaction, and curing conditions were steam at normal pressure for 6 h for fly ash 1, 2 and 3. The determined results of Tables …

Investigation on the Development of Light Weight …

In this technique, activated sintered fly ash aggregates are manufactured by incorporating lime and iron bearing waste materials and sintering in the temperature range of 1300°-1400°C.ASFA contains more high temperature polymeric phases of quartz such as tridymite and cystoballite, calciumalumino silicates and ...

Artificial Lightweight Aggregates Made from Pozzolanic …

The sintered fly ash aggregate with bentonite added had a specific gravity of 1.57, while the sintered fly ash aggregate with glass powder added had a specific gravity of 1.60 at the temperature at 1200 °C . Meanwhile, coarse aggregate manufactured from bentonite and water glass has a specific gravity of 1.63 at a temperature of 800 °C .

Performance of Sintered Pozzolanic Artificial Aggregates as …

Fly ash sintered artificial aggregates denotes up to 28% . However, in this study, ... Volcanic ash activated by the geopolymerization process in this study also showed improving properties (AIV of 16% with low water absorption of 5% at a specific gravity of 1.10) in physical, mechanical and microstructural of the sintered artificial …

Fly ash lightweight aggregates in high performance concrete

On the other hand, the SP aggregate is a sintered pelletized fly ash aggregate that has been a successful commercial lightweight aggregate since the 1960s and can represent the general characteristics of lightweight pelletized fly ash aggregates and their performance in concrete. Table 4 lists the properties of the three other main …

Materials | Free Full-Text | Artificial Lightweight Aggregates …

The strength of activated fly ash-based artificial lightweight aggregate by inclusion of geopolymer is comparable to that of commercialized expanded clay lightweight aggregate . ... Ö.; Mermerdaş, K. Durability aspect of concretes composed of cold bonded and sintered fly ash lightweight aggregates. Compos. Part B Eng. 2013, 53, 258–266.

Properties of a Lightweight Fly Ash–Slag Alkali-Activated …

The relative performance of the alkali-activated concrete (AAC) mixes with limestone and sintered fly ash lightweight aggregates as the coarse aggregates was also compared to the conventional ordinary Portland cement (OPC) concrete mix in terms of their compressive stress–strain relationship, splitting tensile strength and fracture parameters.

Use of Autoclaved Fly-Ash Aggregates in Concrete Mixture

However, in respect of concrete sintered, fly-ash aggregate is more permeable than normal aggregate but cold-bonded aggregate gives less permeability than normal one . ... The fly-ash aggregates are porous materials, so for hardening the pellets we have to use cement as binder material. The hardening of the pellets can be done by …

(PDF) Artificial fly ash based aggregates properties …

Experimental program implied production of four lightweight artificial aggregates—cold bonded and sintered pellets based on either mechanically activated or …

Effect of calcium compounds on lightweight aggregates …

Preparation of sintered materials by alkali-activated coal fly ash. J. Hazard. Mater. (2010) J. Bai et al. Preparation of glass from waste glass and fly ash. Mater. Lett. (2014) ... Twelve selected aggregates sintered from granite-marble-sepiolite wastes containing different proportions of powdered carbon fiber (FC) and thermoplastic ...

Artificial fly ash based aggregates properties influence on …

sintered non-activated ash aggregate based concrete. LFAC. ... For example, Kockal et al. [51], reported that sintered fly ash aggregates containing 10% bentonite had almost four times higher crushing strength values than cold bonded aggregates. Crushing strength of an aggregate is an indication revealing the contribution …

Investigation on the Development of Light Weight Concrete …

In this technique, activated sintered fly ash aggregates are manufactured by incorporating lime and iron bearing waste materials and sintering in the temperature …

Pelletized fly ash lightweight aggregate concrete: A …

The two major classes of fly ash are specified in ASTM C 618, namely class-C and class-F classified based on the chemical composition resulting from the different types of coal burning. Class-C fly ash is normally produced from the burning of sub-bituminous coal and lignite and class-C fly ash. The flyash aggregates are porous material and

Mechanical properties of concrete composed of …

In order to curb the shortage issues of natural aggregates and minimize the destruction of land topography, alkali-activated aggregates (AAA) have gradually become a hot topic in recent years as …

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Structural concrete using sintered flyash lightweight …

Sintered flyash aggregate concretes have the 28-day compressive strengths in the range of 27–74 MPa, with densities in the range of 1651–2017 kg/m³. The …

Materials | Free Full-Text | Glass-Ceramic s from 'Weak …

A ‘weak alkali activation’ was applied to aqueous suspensions based on soda lime glass and coal fly ash. Unlike in actual geopolymers, an extensive formation of zeolite-like gels was not expected, due to the low molarity of the alkali activator (NaOH) used. In any case, the suspension underwent gelation and presented a marked pseudoplastic …